About Us
Bling Color is a leading prfessional polish supplier based in Taiwan, established
since 2008. As we know people likes to shopping colors on-line. We trying to create a total different
colour display. You can easily choose your color. You can happily shooping on Bling
Bling Color will publish different color in different season. Bring you the seanson
fashion in your life.
To ensure the highest standard of our product, we have obtained verification from
SGS, the Swiss certification firm. Our nail polish is safe from the 'Big Three',
Toluene, Formaldehyde and Dibuty Phthalate.
Bling Color ~ Color you life.
If you are interested our products or services, please feel free to contact us.
Contact Info.
Company: Bling Nail Co., Ltd.
Email: global@blingcolor.com
Contact Info.(USA)
Name: Ms Erica Han
Phone: 408-462-0065
Email: ericahan17@gmail.com
Address: USA Palo Alto275 Ventura Ave Apt24